Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce

To promote our members through education, leadership and communication between businesses, government and our community.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2010 – The Year of the Connector

I read so many articles about “networking” – I truly believe it’s the path to building relationships which you know is my big thing. People buy from those they know, like and trust. It’s all about customer-business trust. In the April issue of Smart Meetings, an article by Maribeth Kuzmeski caught my attention. In coming blogs, I’ll be sharing some of her tips to making quality lasting connections that will lead to solid relationships with colleagues and clients.

We all feel more connected now – texting, cell phones, LinkedIn, Twitter Facebook, and “old-fashioned” email. 2009 was the year of social media – putting information out at the speed of light. But 2010 is The Year of the Connector. Let’s slow down and make all those connections meaningful, successful and impactful.

Improve your social media skills. Just like your face-to-face relationships, you need to be picky about your connections online. Connect with people who have similar interest or who are working in your field. When someone you choose to connect with contacts you, you should always reciprocate; otherwise you’ll appear disinterested – which never leads to relationship building. Whenever possible, try to take the cyber-connection to the next level. Search for that person at conferences and networking events – somewhere outside of your computer screen! More friends on Facebook and more tweets does not mean “it’s working”. It’s the quality that counts, not the quantity. Slow down and make your connections more personal and meaningful to both of you.

Good tips, right? I like them, what about you?

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